This poem isn't written about one of my experiences but of one of my friends. She recently met a guy that she loved and he did nothing but lead her on! He deliberately built up her hopes and laughed as he watched them tumble down again when she found out he didn't like her.

I have nothing against guys, but I do have something against the heartless, gutless ones who are too chicken to say the truth and would rather watch someone else get hurt when the truth finally does come out.

Some people don't believe that teen love is really love, some don't even believe it is possible. But believe me, everyone knows when they have found the one that they love, and my friend really did love this guy! She did not brag on about him as an obsession, yet she did not forget about him and only think of him when he was near. She only spoke of him in ways that a lover is spoken of and everyone who heard her speak of him knew that, too.

So to anyone who reads this poem, guy or girl, think about it and ask yourself if you are hurting someone who doesn't deserve to be hurt. I know that my friend didn't deserve it and neither does anyone else.

This poem originally was published in Love Poems - Teenage Love Poems