I am 16 years old and this poem is about my first True Love. It's about how I don't want to let go of what we once had. But how gradually I must come to terms with it slipping away.

This poem originally was published in Love Poems - Teenage Love Poems

I wish you were here
I wish you were close
and those are the times that I'm wishing the most.

I gave you that ring you wear on your hand
and like time in an hour glass, you slip away like sand.

I want you so bad to hold, and to touch
and that is because I love you so much.

And I want you to know whatever you do
I will always be here

and I will always love you.
378 Visitor Comments (from the Voting form)
  • beyunka
    that is very sweet. i feel the same way and understand that to the fullest
  • stevo
    i liked it cuz this is the way i feel about this one chick
  • anne
    that was fantastic . i love the way you got the idea . !
  • cindy
    i would vote yes to this one
  • Jenna
    i like the poem it was pertty good. and i guess it was sweet. what eles is there to say?
  • Brittany
    Ithink that it was very sweet even if it does sound like a girl's poem
  • JEN
    who would ave thought a poe mso sohrt could have so much meanin and boe sooo great. it was awesome
  • ashiana
    this poem was so touching. the poet is just simply loving and talented!i love it.
  • manman
    that poem made me thank bout my old girl i thought it was real
  • Ericca
    AHHHHHH that was so beautiful. well you go get her boy
  • boobie
    dis poem was hot keep up the good work
  • mariah
    i rate this a 3 star poem
  • Urabia
    I have recently feel in love with this poem and I think that once everyone else reads it that they will to
  • angel
    hey ur poem is lovely and i really like it.
  • melissa
    ahhhhhhhhhh that was really sweet and you used good wording. I loved your poem. (: Your very poetic.
  • maddie
    this poem is beautiful. it made my cry. my bf and i broke up 3weeks ago and this is all pretty true to how iam feeling. its great.
  • Sandra
    I like ie it.
  • summer
    i love this poem, it reminds me so much of my ex b/f and i. i wrote a poem kinda like this to him after we broke up but it did not help any. well gotta go. write me sometime summer
  • Nicole
    This poem really touched me, great job you have talent, keep doing great.
  • Amber
    This poem was very good. I could relate to the poem which made me like it.
  • teresa
    this poem is soo awsome i really like it it so speaks out to your true love!
  • selina
    i thnik this comment is really awsome it has soooo touched me
  • loria
    awwww, i loved it. not to many guys are all gooshy like that. maybe they can learn from you. oh and your first true love i know how that feels i am in it now, and i hope i stay in it. i love him so much and you know wat i think i will send him this poem. hope you dont mind. later
  • mandy
    i myself am 16. and i can totally understand where your coming from i love my boyfriend with all my heart. and your poem totally rocked my world. your awsome keep writting sister. you rock
  • Rebecca
    Well done that poem was amazing i am 15 gurl had the same problem as you so . all u have to do is not thunk about the person i know its hard trust me i do but put urself first now thnk about what you like doing and that will keep ur mibd of her XxX TAKE CARE
  • keyah
    this poem was so sweet it reminds me of me and my boyfriend
  • Amber
    THe poem was so good i enjoyed it i wish that every guy would do the say thing for me
  • Terryion
    I really felt where shewascoming from.
  • lauren
    this poem is very true, i can truly relate Bravo.
  • mackenzie
    This poem touched me because i feel the same way about my boyfriend cause im on vacation in brooklyn while hes in grenada
  • Nikki
    i was very touched by ur poem bc i too feel the way u do about ur first love. i think this is also true for almost everyone, if not everyone. i think u have talent, u shouldnt quit writing it is a wonderful way to express everything u are feeling.
  • sarah
    that is such a beautiful poem, i just fell in love with it
  • Tanah
    I like this poem, just becasue it is exactly something I would write =)!
  • jessica
    I oved this poem because it makes me think of how fast a relationship can fail and al the things you can do to fix it
  • Kay
  • Alexis
    This peom was deep. As I read it i knew how u felt becuase I feel that way about me boyfriend.
  • tenzin
    well i relly like this poem,actully i neva ever had gf but still it show that, the first love is very effected that it hard to get out through mind
  • anu
    I think this poem was very kute, I am in your shoes right now, and i don't want things to change between me and my luv, so i hope that everything goes right for you!
  • Briana
    I love this poem I moved alawy from my boyfriend Michael and I really missed him. But I will always love him.
  • Michael
    I love this poem by Richard LeGault I felt the same way when my girlfriend left away. I understand how the person feel. I am still trying my best to write a great poem. :)
  • maria
    i really loved your peom! i started to cry cuz my ex dumped me like half a year ago after he said he loved me and wanted to be with me for the rest of his life. but my cousins were mad that i went out with him so they told him and had another bf so he would dump me (well i guess it worked) but ive been trying to get over him and this poem just got me thinking about him again and i still love him but my mom dont like him cuz hes 17 and im 14 but yeah i loved your poem keep up the great work.
  • chenielle
    i completely understand this poem and it's so pretty. I think this person is a great author and this poem is #1.
  • Manda
    i really like this poem because i think that it has a great moral to it
  • Katherine
    I really like this poem. You did a great job and keep up the good work!
  • Sara
    This poem touched me! I have the same felling for someone, i wrote a peom with the same meaning but i like yours better!
  • lacey
    this poem means alot
  • valencia
    this poem really relates 2 me n my boyfriend. u did a good job on it so keep it up!~*Lenci~*
  • Cheyenne
    i love this poem!
  • pratichi
    u will surely prove n grow an inspirational tree for d teeenagers my reagrds to u pratichi
  • jessica
    i think this poem is beutiful and it inspires people who dont belive in love!
  • Heather
    this is how i feel when me and my fiancee broke up, and it's even been over 3 months, i haven't found anyone yet and i don't think i ever will. but i'm only 15 and and he's 18 but still i was in-love with him no matter what any-one said. god, he hurt.
  • blondiesmj92
    awwww thats so sweet
  • melanie
    I think that is so cute.
  • Kelly
    this poem was very nice. i write poetry myself but i can`t ever get around to posting it. it was a very short n sweet
  • Elvis
    wowwww your poem is amaizing. you have expire me into writing. you will see me 1 day standing right next to you and say this person expire me in writing thank you.
  • Farron
    This is the sweetest poem ever i like it alot i am 17 years old and i know how this is
  • jesse
    i love this poem and i think evryone that reads it will to. i loved it didnt you
  • Tequila
  • Melanie
    This was a very good poem I liked it keep writting that was good.
  • Ceci
    It was a very sweet poem and the guy i like dedicates it to me
  • cheri
    that was so sweet and you should do more
  • Jamie
    This is a great poem and I love it! Your an awesome writter and you have alot of potenchill good luck and keep up the awesome poems hopefuly some day I will be as good as you!
  • Nicholas
    I Think your poem is one of the best I've heard and I've heard alot of poems cause I write them but I tink you should write alot more
  • Sally
    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwsome poem
  • tiffany
    i love the poem very nice.
  • Maya
    This is one of the most beautiful poems that I HAVE EVER READ! I love it. This is how I use to feel but now I feel really diffirent. You remind me of what I use to feel like. But I love the way you think. Happy newyears!
  • hester
    omg dis is such a gd poem it touches ma heart wow
  • Crista
    wow this is a really good poem. i really really like this poem a lot. you should keep writting poems because you are good at writting them that i can see of so far but yeah this is a really good poem. From Crista
  • heaven
    i love this poem and this writer is very good i gave him a 10
  • Christina
    This poem reminds me of my first love as well it also brings me to tears it was beafitful
  • Thomas
    I loved this poem! I gave it to my girlfriend! Keep writin Richard. I'm sorry about your girl. I hope you find another one whom you love and someone who won over your heart not once before but many times more. Thanks
  • Tashawnna
    That poemm is cute.
  • keith
    dude i went through the same crap and me trying to hold on to that person ended me up in jail and rehab it will get better it's ok to have those feelings i still cry everyday one day you will find your solace peace
  • eva
    this poem really spoke out , & it said some of what i think . i seriously give it 100 % of my vote as the best poem !
  • leslie
    i thought the poem was good!i know how it feels to let go of your first love because i had to do that once too and it wasnt too long ago. but i thought reading your poem was really good. keep up the good work
  • amelia
  • Kristen
    The poem was good and i could really relate to it. It really touched me.
  • jenny
    it was a very cute poem. it reminds me of a person i love.
  • Tosha
    hey i think that this poem was a good poem i sended it to my cousin tiffany and to her boyfriend johny ray and i think that they look a good couple and that i thought that this would be the poem just for them thank you for everything
  • Mony
    itz iz a very good poem! i love it when guyz write poems! my boyfriend writes poems sorta!
  • Emily
    It was good. It had a lot of heart in it.
  • Mandi
  • kimmy
    thats a really good poem!
  • aka
    pretty touchy, i guess. About true love poems~ I like it.
  • Tiffany
    I think your poem was grate because I want to write my boyfriend a poem like that
  • ian
    whats goin on, im 16 and my girlfriend is 14 and as of today wever been goin out a year and just about a week ago we almsot broke up and she didnt realize that it hurts so bad just to have that thought but reading your poem made me realize that im not the only one in this world with fealings like that so i thank u for that. keep up the good work man you got a talent
  • Brittany
    Hey. This is an Awesome! I am 14 and I just got done dating an 16 turning 17 year old and he told me he loved me and that he was different from other guys and we told each other we would be together forever. And just one day he had his little sister (also 14) call me and tell me "it's over" and it broke my heart. I can relate to this poem. Its very touching! Thank you
  • Nindy
    It's a great poems! I really like it
  • Kim
    I just wanted to say that i really like the poem! I like it very much! Not only that, i feel the same way about my man! It just gets right down to it!
  • kyle
    i feel to your poem. ive been threw it. i liked it alot.
  • sita
    i really loved it cause i was in the same situation
  • shayla
    great poem fantastic!
  • alex
    i loved reading that poem so much it reminds me of my gf down in dunedin who i miss so much
  • Melissa
    This poem was sweet and it touched me only because it is from a guya dn when i was 16 i got a ring from a Guy. My first love and we slipped away like sand aswell.
  • sarah
    i loved the poem it made me think of my first love
  • Shara
    this poem was really good because you can really understand and feel what he is feeling. It was great
  • azumath
    i realy enjoy this poem because it has meaningful words that i want share with someone.
  • Karin
    I'm going through the same thing! I love your poem!
  • Bubzarina
    I know exactly how you feel, it made me sad inside to think of how you can still love someone for maybe your whole life and they will never know any different. This is a great poem!
  • mary
    awwwwwwwwww. thats so sweet! ~mary~
  • liydia
    i really like this pome. it;s remind me of me and somebody.
  • summer
    I was wondering how did you come up with this poem! This is the most beautiful poem i have ever heard. I just thank you for putting this poem on here for everyone to read and hope that every one else will say the same thing I've just said. Yours truely; Summer Alana Delorme
  • Griselda
    very good poem. loved it!
  • Dana
    That is a good poem It relly relates to what im going through and i fell in love with this girl and we were ingadged and she just left me for another guy it relly takes my emotions away
  • leandria
    cool poem i love it cause i`m a bisexual so keep doing what u do k.
  • Mari
    This is so true. This explains how i feel about my first true love. Even tho i am young i can understand what love really is. and this is it. perfect! please write more and send them. they are great. Richard, you should really publish hun its great
  • della
    that was the most incredabul thing i have read. it makes me not want to give up
  • Rebecca
    This poem reminds me of how I feel about my boyfriend and father of my baby. The only differance is that we are still together. But I do wish you good luck on the rest of life. Ihope everthing works out for you. Well I really like your poem. I really enjoyed reading it.
  • ben
    all i can say is that i love it
  • sheena
    I'm out of town and I'm really missin my boyfriend. But when I read this poem it made me think of him and smile. THANX!
  • Jessica
    I really liked your poem it was shorter than all the others but it was my favorite! i think it was great just thought you might like to know
  • Cory
    simple but so much meaning and truth behing it. i loved it and i wish i could write stuff like this. it's so perfect and it means alot 2 me cuz that the same situation im in rite now.
  • Alessandra
    I LOVE IT!
  • Brittany
    If wuz so wonderfull ,it wuz so wonderful its better than wonderful!
  • ashley
    i like it is cute and i'm sure alot of people can relate to it.
  • tavoskaia
    i really loved it bcuz that is how i still feel about the guy i was dating
  • marisa
    I thought it was great and i no how yo feel and just readiing that brings back out times.
  • Kyle
    I liked this poem alot
  • candy
    its a rally nice poem
  • Shasta
    I loved The poem. I am 15 and a half and I feel that way about my first love. I gave him a ring and he promised to always wear it. and i will always love him like i did the moment we had our first kiss.
  • raven
    this the poem that fits how i feel so much
  • layla
    i love ur poems, and they are so cute. do more as much as u can :P
    i very much relate to this poem and think it is real touching.
  • paxon
    i liked this poem becuase i can understand it it also relates to me and many other people and the way they feel
  • tiara
    this is soooo cute like im really loving this poem
  • stephanie
    that is very nice pomes
  • Marissa
    I was really touched when I read this poem, it remindes me of a relationship that just recently ended. This poem rocks!
  • skye
    awsome poem! i know the way it feels to love some one and slowly watch wat u had slip away!
  • Janie
    wow. that was amazing! there's really nothing more i can say. it was awesome! Janie
  • kriselda mae
    the poem is very beatiful and it inspires me to also write a poem about my first love!
  • Sharae
    This poem reminds of sometihng I am going through now. Its great how you expressed and your not the only one
  • Ruth
    A very inspiring poem, I really enjoyed reading it, it is hard to admit you love someone.
  • sarah
    i loved your poem it is like my relationship keep doing what your doing.
  • Greeneyes
    This poem is so cute. I like this poem alot. I like it so much I'm going to send this to my boyfriend(lol).
  • lauren
    that poem touched my heart because i am in love with someome all so dear and i will always love them till the day that i die.
  • Dreamer
    Thats a realy good poem not much guys will tell the way they feel in a poem but thats cool you did your ovbiosly different then other guys. good job i give it a ten!
  • Shanice
    On a scale from 1 to 10, i give it a ten. This is a very romantic poem and I like it a lot.
    i thought that was a great poem i have a first love and he is still around i dont c him much but i know how you feel i miss him to. great poem
  • sable
    hey i am 14 years lod and i loved your poem my boyfriend is also 16 and has bought me a ring we arent engaged or anything like that but he got me a really nice ring fir my b_day he also has bought me 1 for christmas your poem has ley me know that maybe he really dos love me he yells me that he dos all the time and i want nothing more than for that to be true but but who knows that could be a lie and all my hopes and dreams could come true i wish someday tro marrie him . i hope that you and your lady friend came work things out you sound like you care about her very mu=ch i know that if someone wrote that for me i would love them loke i diont knbowe what but good luck i hope you get her back.
  • Haley
    wow your poem is wonderful ive never been so touched by a poem.
  • sara
    I know how this person feels. I think that this poem rocks!
  • red
    the reason why i like this poem, is because it was vey moving, i love the part when you said: I gave you that ring you wear on your hand and like time in an hour glass, you slip away like sand Good job, i hope i can hear more poems from you!
  • Elisha
    i like it and it makes me feel what I am going through right now and it is really hard to cop with thanks alot. it is a great poem!
  • Victoria
    I really liked this poem it reminds me of my first love
  • Emma-Louise
    i voted 4 dis cos it gets straight 2 da point!
  • angelica
    this is a great poem and this touched my heart because this happend to me once and it just felt nice to have someone by your side who will always love you
  • crissy
    WOW. I know how that feels to have your heart ripped out. You do everything but they just shrug it off and act like they don't care about you or anything. Your poem meant a lot to me. Keep writing.
  • yeraldine
    This is a really god poem, because I can relate to it. rating: 10 good
  • red
    I loved your poem. keep writting more
  • Josh
    I really like this poem it hit right on the spot and i read it at just the right time me and my Girlfriend Nathina are going through a hard time and so it fit perfect about the way i feel
  • kevin
    i love it, it is a short poem yet it means so much, in so little amount of words. Bravo make more like it and send them to me.
  • nicole
    Very good And it said alot in so very words great job
  • Racharr
    I enjoyed reading this poem
  • Hannah
    I can really relate to this because I was in the same boat!
  • Terrika
    This poem is coming from tha heart and its really good and just keep up tha good work.
  • Rashida
    Hey I loved this poem. Can you send me so to my e-mail like a daily newsletter of poems b/c you write good and touching poems!
  • Ciara
    i think that was a nice poem
  • Tina
    Your poem was really good, just thoght Id let you know. Well goo luck with the rest of them in the future. Ink
  • alexandra
    it's cool. i was just talking with my beloved one that is far from me and saying i wanted he was here with me,and i just opened the poem and read it. cool how thing can happen.
  • Breana
    I absolutly loved this poem. It almost one of the sweetest things i have ever read. It's kind of funny because when i read this poem it made me think of my boyfriend Greg. I hope one day you fond that true love that you are really looking for.
  • sammi
    OMGosh this poem rox it almost made me cry! keep writing boy dam son you have so real talent! i gunna print this
  • Aubrie
    I think this poem is very nice
  • Emily
    i love it
  • lisa
    great poem. i like it alot. you have something good keep it up. i cant wait to hear something eles
  • Monica
    a poem i feel many can relate too! love it!
  • sara
    Your poem is so cool and it came to a point that my boyfriend did gave me a ring. I liked his sulf that he gave me it was so cool what we have. Thank you By:Sara
  • Hilary
    i liked this poem because it brings back alot of momorizes of me and my ex
  • Jared
    I understand how you feel. Poems that we can identify with always strike a strong chord in the soul.
  • GINA
    your poem was great and i think it is awesome when guys can express themselfs like this! GINA!
  • alicia
    i love this poem cuz it reminds me about my true love and i am still hurtin over today. so thinx 4 writin it
  • May-gen
    This was a really good poem,I liked it.
  • alexandra
    this poem is soooooooo be-utifull i luv it wow so great!
  • David
    I loved this poem it is so romantic,and i dont know how you people come up with this stuff, please share how you do it.
  • nessa
    that is a really sweet poem. whoever you are with is a lucky person
  • britani
    it was a very sweet poem that many can relate to, keep it up!
  • Maria
    I just thought that this poem is soo sweet and that i hope that you and this girl are still together
  • Ione
    That is a wonderful poem and like i can say for everyone else you never get over your first love nobody does! I really love this poem.
  • melissa
    omg. ! this touched me so much and this is so sweet! i really liked this poem =)
  • Michelle
    This poem is very well emotionally written. i love that about a poem. it makes me think about my ex. and I. i feel this poem alot.
  • Angelica
    this poem iz sooo good. keep writing cuz u really do that well. I can COMPLETELY relate to this beautiful poetry. keep u'r head up and don't worry about that gurl. there's many more who will realize what you are worth and how much you can offer them.
  • angelica
    nice i realy likd this poem good job
  • heidi
    this showed me alot of stuff. like if your special sombody gave u a ring u should wear it and be excited for that somday u are getin married!
  • monique
    awww. that is sooo sweet. aww jeez i'm gonna cry. i liked your poem
  • Trisha
    I love that
  • Cassy
    this poem touched me. it is exactly how i feel about me ex
  • Krystal
    i loved the poem
  • cassie
    Wow. i wish i could write like this, the poem touched me and made me want to go and tell my lost love how i feel. very inspiring.
  • Joy
    that poem was sooooo cute. You r a good writer. i really like that
  • Chris
    It touched my heart so much, u should become a poet. Again, that poem was touching.
  • Ashly
    omg i love you poem! it is so good! i wish that i could write poems like that!
  • Casey
    beautiful iloved it it was awesome
  • denise
    I think your poem was cool
  • hgfd
    i think it was pretty good! whoever u wrote that peom about must feel really sorry that they left you *i will always love you and i am sorry i left*
  • jon
    this was a great poem, I really love it, it really brings out what i truly feel
  • ceclia
    i love it i think that is a perfect poem to give to your old guy that you moved away from and i really hope you write so much more cuz i really liked this one so much that im ganna print it out Write more plz!
  • chrissy
    oh my god that was sooooooo sweet im sure she must have been an idiot to slip away. :( dont worry if your as sweet as you seem in your poem im sure youll find another love soon enough
  • KC
    this poem is soooo sweet it makes me want to cry. it makes me think about how love is!
  • Jaslyn
    really love it.
  • laura
    this poem was so good i wanted to cry, i can tell you that you are my favorite poet now! xxxx
  • Angel
    I love this poem!I am also 16 years old and still in love with my first "true" Love. Its hard to let go and I honestly can say that I know exactly how this person feels.
  • Maya
    I really loved this poem because it reminded me of a special someone.
  • Mike
    . man, touching ,completely feel it
  • Krystal
    I liked this one it had meaning and i think the poet that wrote this should keep it up
  • hannah
    I thought that this poem was really good it doesn't really relate what i am going threw right now but i think that is where it might be leading and that scares me. I liked this poem so much becuase it makes me realize there is nothing to be scared of just go with the flow.
  • Stephanie
    i loved this poem!
  • victoria
    awwwwwww povrecito(poor baby) it's ok your poem is beutiful and your a sweet person. i can tell
  • miranda
    i loved this poem i'm only thirten and i had my first love at 12 great poem it really expresses your feeling's about you first love
  • Chelsea
    When i read this it made me cry:') it it so sweet if i had a Bf who wrote peoms like this i would never slip away!
  • aimo
    ok i thought that was a really heart felt peom, keep writting u got a talent:)
  • marcy
    it was really good please keep writting and im sure iam speaking for alot of people out there! I REALLY DO LOVE IT
  • Kelsy
    That poem reminds me so much about someone i know but i have tried writing about it but could never express my feelings as much as i wanted too. I am very jelous of you that u did that but that is a well written poem!
  • Tabitha
    I loved this poem! It reminded me of my x-boyfriend.
  • Monica
    I really liked this poem when i red it it touched my heart i can really realte to it. keep up the great work!
  • rich
    This poem was great. i felt like i found my true love to until she left me. your poem really lightened my spirits.
  • Jenn
    I like this poem alot. I can really relate to it. As I read "Always" all I could think about is how much I love the guy I'm with. THis poem really puts a smile on my face.
  • Courtney
    Your poem is really great. You did excellent and you put it out there so well. You know what you want to say and it's great to see that.
  • kindrah
    i really like ur poem it just toaches my heart! i lovew writeing poems to and you have really inspired em to write more!
  • Amy
    I love your poem. I too am 16, and a week ago, my now, obviously ex-boyfreind, broke up with me. I totally relate to everything you say in ure poem. I still love him very dearly, n probably will always love him, so to me ure poem is deeply touching, and so nice to read.
  • Rosie
    your poem was so great and it totally touched me. it wasn't very long, but it still gave you the idea. it totally reminds me of what i'm going through right now. eventhough im 14 i still feel the way you do.
  • Alice
    I loved your poem, i bet alot of us grils can relate it i know i can. :D
  • anna
    your poem is beautiful, i can deffinitly relate
  • Desiree
    I love your peom. I am too 16. I was onced love this guy but I knew I had to let him go even though I didn't want to. Your poem is beautiful. You truely are blessed.
  • Justin
    Your poem reminds me of me. Good good job!
  • kelli
    This is a really good poem.
  • amanda
    Richard this is such a romantic poem! I love it. What girl wouldn't want to close to you if you feel like this? this is the best poem i have read today.
  • ana
    god thid poem is so awesome i mean it explains my feelings right ow for this guy who is alos my frst
  • ashley
    OMG your poem is totally what i am going through i love it
  • K
    it was great. it expressed what i was feeling at the moment. keep on writing!
  • mckki
    i really like your pome i think i can really relate to it. it touched me alot
  • Sasha
    I loved your poem and i can really relate to that. but who cant right?
  • ashley
    sweet :D
  • Chanel
    i really liked your poem it touched my heart
  • PA
    your poem is short but filled with wonderful words. very nicely done.
  • amalia
    that wuz a very good poem,i write poems 2
  • Patricia
    awwwwwwww!your poem is so sweet!i really like it!i member about my first true love too!i thought it was really cute and i know that it came from your heart!'
  • Kathryn
    wow you really did explain what love is all about !
  • Jenna
    This was such a good poem!
  • Rebekah
    That poem is so sweet! Its good 2! u should think about becoming a professional poet. Ive never heard a poem that good! Godd luck on your next!
  • Kelli
    I would ust like to say how touching you poem was. I feel like you speak for all of us when you write of your first true love. Thank you for sharing with us your beautiful words. Keep it coming
  • Claire
  • kerprenia
    I fell the same way about me first love
  • Ana
    Awesome poem. I love it!
  • ashley
    your poem was really nice keep on writing keep your head up
  • Meghann
    hi great peom
  • Meghann
    I would like to say that I needed to hear some of these peoms. I am maube having my mans kid and these peoms helped me relize that he does love me and i need to see that. THANKS
  • Heather
    thats a great poem!
  • kym
    I think ur portry is great and I hope that u keep writtiy theses lovley love pomes which enspire a lot of people to give love a chance
  • Rob325114
    This is great! I dont wirte poetry myself but enjoy analising it. Keep it up because writing pieces like that at your age is extremely promising.
  • robbie
    I loved your poem. You can tell it truly came from the heart. Good luck wit your writing.
  • celina
    I love your poem.
  • Cole
    I loved the poem. it is cute! Thats what i think about my one true love also.
  • Lys
    Wow that poem is great keep on writting!
  • S.a.m
    Hey I love your poem it you can tell it came strait from your heart.
  • nikki
    I love your pome is is very touching to me.
  • Sarah
    I fell in love with your poem because I felt exactly like you when I went through my first love.
  • Teddy
    Man, that poem kicked. I loved it. Short but sweet.
  • Craig
    Very good keep it up.
  • Short
    Hey, My name is Shannon. Every-one calls my Shorty. It is good to know that some-one that is 16 to writes the same kind of poems I do. I think that this is a good poem. You can make it. Don't give up.
  • janet
    i think the poem was very sweet. i hope u write more poems like that
  • Esthe
    That was very cute it reminds me of my boyfriend and I.
  • siti
    i love it , it remind me of my frist love and the pain he give me when we broke up , it took me 2 years to overcome the pain, it really something gd work carry on.
  • kari
    this. was. an. amazing. poem. it related exactly to what im goig through right now. thank you sooo much
  • Leann
    There is something very important that I would like to say about this poem. I am the girl that Richard wrote this poem for. I can honestly say that in a way I almost feel like this poem brought us together in a way. All of the comments of everyone really made me realize what I had with him and perhaps what i've lost. We were both 16 at the time. I am now 19. and I can honestly say the words are true, the love was true because Rich- I am still in love with you.
  • Heath
  • meg
    this peom is great. i love it. it made me think of a boy i once had and had to say goodbye
  • Nate
    this poem is great but not many people can say that they long for someone to hold and if they could then a lot of it is also just because they want to. seldomly people especially teens like me find that one true love and they want it to never end. when this happens you want to be with that person more than anyone in this whole world, sometimes you even think of them as some sort of god/goddess. take my case i am deeply in love with this one person and i would give my life to see her just for one second and then i would have seen the most beautiful thing in this whole universe. it doesn't really matter how people think of what you and that other person share but how you feel about that person and you should express it to her/him just to let them know how you feel.
  • Holly
    "When you love someone" was the best poem i have ever heard it made me think about hw i feel about my first love. it's kinda freaky the way it is though!how a poem can say so much. it speaks a lot louder than words!
  • love
  • gabby
    wow. i really like ur poem it touched me deeply. boy u got skills! keep it up.
  • Liz
    This is a great poem. I've been looking for something just like this to send to my boyfriend for his birthday, so I can show him exactly how much he means to me!
  • Nikki
    This poem was so good i almost started to cry my heart sunk in like water going inside the sink.
  • quita
    This poem ROCKZ!
  • kris
    this peom rockz i always like peoms that rhyme its cool as!
  • wisam
    it's great
  • sebas
    i liked your pome
  • Angie
    I like your poem it really touched me.
  • Haley
    If I were that girl I would never let you go you are such a sweetheart and i hope you get what you want!
  • Jake
    Great poem. I am 18 years old and I had my first true love when I was 16. I am still trying to get over her and I am doing so, slowly. I still love her with all my heart and this poem describes that. Thank you for putting into words what I could not.
  • Ana
    This is such and amazing poem and very touching I love this poem because is really beautiful
  • Leo
    It is a very touching I really liked it. Can't wait to see more.
  • angela
  • Nikki
    I loved this poem it is very well written and i loved it!
  • Dee
    It shows how short a relationship can be but it's a cute poem!
  • lilbluthong
    this is a sweet poem hopefully you wouldn't mind meeh usin' this 4 muh project tyvm
  • Dan
    Nice 1 Mate, This Poem says Just how i am Felling. Good 1. :o)
  • mike
    thats what i feel to. right now wit my girl
  • Cieara
    I know what you mean have been in that same position too! The best thing to do is just keep everyone as a friend that way you don't have to worry about to much! BY THE WAY THAT WAS A GREAT AND TOUCHIND POEM, IWANT TO READ IT TO HIM SO THAT HE CAN FULLY UNDERSTAND ALL THE FEELINGS THAT I HOLD IN MY HEART FOR him!
  • Sarah
  • Jessica
    I love your poem, it says everything that i would like to say to my boyfriend. I hope u continue to write more
  • Sweetie
    i love this poem!
  • Joanna
    your poem is great .! u sound like a sweetheart
  • laura
    richard, thats an awesome poem. I really like it. you seem like a really sweet person, just by reading ur poem!
  • yoshi
    very sweet n simple! mad props to you! =] i love the poem.
  • princez
    love your poem. nicely written. i can relate to what you wrote about. im also 16.
  • Paul
    Your poem is just what I needed. I'm going through a similar thing at the moment. Your poem will help me lots. Thanks
  • sheri
    this is one of the sweetest and most touching poems that i have ever read. i'm in a situation now that i can't have the one that i love SO much. i absolutally love your poem!
  • Tim
    Short but very sweet! I like it alot!
  • Tabetha
    That was sooooo good! I like how you kept it simple and to the point and it is exactly the feelings I know a lot of us teens have. It's wonderful!
  • hannah
    hey.this poem is great. it's exactly how i feel about my true love but i didnt know how to tell him after we broke up.great job! :)
  • Angie
    Oh My God! I looovvee this poem! It totally reflects my feelings, and it is so kewl that a guy can feel that way.
  • Jana
    I liked your poem a lot. My first love and I broke up, but after a while we ended up back together. But when we were apart i always felt bad, so i can understand.
  • Brandy
    This poem is so cute it reminds me of how me and my best friend/exboyfriend's relationship is now!
  • Ashton
    I read this poem and my heart melted. It described me and my boyfriend so much.
  • susan
    that poem is the best i have heard in a long time
  • Andrei
    Your poem caused a tear to be released on my cheek.It touched me.
  • Dallas-vana
    I just want to say this poem is so beautiful. i like it so much!
  • Colby
    very nice, it will make someones day
  • yuyuka
    I NEVER THOUGHT A GUY COULD EVER FEEL THIS WAY! This is sooo touching! Superb work! Very catchy and emotional!
  • brandon
    i really like that poem cuz it really tell u how friendz think and wanna support eachother!
  • Natalie
    Richard, this is an exceptionally great poem. I think all of us teens have experienced (or soon will) the love and loss that your poem talks about. It is such a true and hard thing to deal with, but that's love. Thank you so very much for sharing your poems with us. You will touch the world with your words some day, as you have already touched my aching heart.
  • Jessica
    this poem is so ture and i remember a time in my life i had someone like say that to me but now we are apart for the best but i will always love her with all my heart until i die
  • Jessica
    I feel your poem was perfect. It was short, sweet and right to the point. I believe we all have felt this way at least once before. Keep at it and NEVER forget to let your girl know how you feel, to us that is the most important thing to know. Stay sweet.
  • kelly
    i love this poem because i know just how he feels im in love with a girl to but we broke up and i just want her to know that i still love her. peace
  • steve
    very very very nice
  • illandreall
    this poem explains in detail what i have been feeling for so long! Thanks man!
  • Thomas
    I loved it. It is the samething that is happening to me and my love. I hate to admit it. but i cried.
    i really like your poem ... i know how you feel i was once there. but you know every day you learn new stuff maybe the reason why he left or she left was because that person was not ment 4 you........ life has alot to learn and maybe someday the time will come when the person you been watting come;s along!
  • johanna
    that was a very nice poem! you spoke from your heart
  • jillian
    this poem was in terms: perfect. there are always words people cannot say to make them just right. well, this author has said it. our first love will not last foreve they will slip away. im going through my first heartbreak and it hurts. but in time i know it will be for the best. i love her with all my heart. but we are not what each other needs. this poem expresses many feelings in small words.
  • Doris
    Really like the poem.
  • Amber
    I love this poem it is short yet sweet it says SO much in so little words. and it has such a deep meaning!
  • Candie
    Awww I thought that this was so sweet! Oh ur an awesome person and someone is very lucky to have you.
  • Theresa
    That is such a sweet poem! I love it a lot!
  • Da'sha
    I really Loved This Poem, it was short but it said so much!
  • Jackson
    Thanks man you- you're awsome
  • DAemon
    this poem inspired me to write my own and i feel the same way about my girlfriend as the the first three lines say and i would like to just say thank you
  • jAcLyN
    awww that is so sweet
  • Ashley
    I really loved that poem. Richard, i really know where you're coming from, keep the great poem writing up!
  • Crystal
    Your poem reminds me alot of me and my ex-boyfriend.
  • Tracy
    This poem is great.
  • kevin
    i can relate to most of the lines in this poem see im in love wit this girl but i live in mass and she lives in gorgia and recently ive been wanting her by my side more and more
  • julie
    this poem is so awesome after i was done reading it i fell in love with it.
  • amanda
    this is a very good poem and i love the way it expresses your feelings
  • Heather
    It was a great poem. It is how i feel.
  • John
    This poem landed me with this beautiful girl that i wanted to be with, so i cant thank you more for have this poem here for me and others.
  • Linda
    This pome is very very pretty.
  • Dawnavan
    u rock dude!
  • Sara
    I really like this poem. I know how you feel. I'm going through that right now.
  • monica
    I love this poem.Did this really happen? If it did I'm so sorry.
  • Lennie
    I don't really have words to express what I felt after reading this poem, but let me inform you that it is by far one of the best I have ever read.
  • James
    It help know exactly what i wanted to say
  • Marie
    I love this poem i think that it's great
  • Sarah
    I really enjoyed your poem. I can really relate to how you feel, and encourage you to keep writing!
  • Dan
  • miquelyn
  • Tammy
    When I read this poem it touched my heart, like I can feel what your going through. I have been in a similar situation and you found the perfect words to describe it. If you have any other poems, I would like to hear them. So please email me at [email protected]. Tammy
  • bernadette
    it 's so lovly
  • sandy
    Love it!!!
  • Jacob
    this poem makes me think about me and this girl i met in gulf shores.i knew her for a week and we slipped away from each other like sand..it touched my heart..
  • Crystal
    its a good poem
  • Ginni
    I Loved that poem it said sooo much!
  • Harshad
    Just wonderful! I am a budding poet and like to read more and more poems. This one really appealed my heart. Just too good! -Harshad Sharma
  • Meghan
    It was the truth and could tell it came from the heart. it had a really nice ring to it, when we were done reading it our hearts melted. the metephore you added made it complete.
  • Ryan
    Nice poem man.
  • vangie
    I really like your poem.thanks
  • Fishy
    This poem is SO sad.I cried. I think she should go back to him. I know I would.
  • Angel
    I loved your poem. It really touched me. And it also made me cry.
  • Blair
    i loved this poem! Its just what i needed!
  • adam
    it was a very good poem short and right to the point good poem richard
  • Natalia
    I really liked this poem. It was sweet and it was something that I can see in real life. It was also a little sad, but aren't most all love poems. I like the writing style too. The author has talent.
  • Nicki
    I think to poem is true for most teen love cases.
  • Carol
    Was sweet and very thoughtful wish all guys had your heart.
  • ashley
    This is such a great poem! it's exactly what i feel about my boyfriend that i love him so much and he is my first love so i'll never forget him. no matter what. and this sums it up.
  • Lily
    that was the most beautiful poem i have ever read. congratulations for writing something straight from your heart. you are to be admired
  • Kara
    What he said is something i know and can relate to.
  • Susan
    This is a great poem and something I can really relate to.
  • cassy
    I thought that this poem was written very well and was worded beatifully!keep up the work:)!
  • Amanda
    Your are very sensitive and your poem rocked! All my friends though so too!
  • Caleb
    yes, this was a ice poem and I have felt ths way before thans for expressing it for me.
    do you have a girlfriend??? nah, j/k. i love your poem!!! did you write it for anyone special?

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